We use nohup command in Linux environment to start a process in back ground. 
This process must run continuously until the process is killed. We notice that 
the process is running fine for some time and then stops automatically on its 
own. We have no clue how the process is stopped.

Is there any way to know why the process gets stopped on its own, is there any 
Linux log will say that ? This process is running fine in Unix environment.

I use following command to start the process:
$ nohup ${CHECKIN_TOP}/scripts/mars_checkin_daemon.sh & <enter>

I check if the process is running, I see it is running.
$ ps -ef|grep mars_check <enter>
marsdev   4572     1  3 Aug30 pts/0    01:40:32 /bin/ksh /d002/u17/app01/mard/ma
marsdev   1417  4392  0 10:13 pts/0    00:00:00 grep mars_check

After say few hours when I check if the process is running, I see it is not 
$ ps -ef|grep mars_check <enter>
marsdev   1417  4392  0 10:13 pts/0    00:00:00 grep mars_check


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