Paul Eggert wrote:
mwoehlke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
If #ifdef is OK, this should do it (works for me with 5.97 and 6.1):

As I said, I don't really understand dircolors (but I'll go ahead
and remark anyway :-).

I don't see why the behavior of 'ls' should depend on whether the
Linux kernel is used.  Shouldn't coreutils 'ls' behave the same way on
FreeBSD or Solaris?

The *old* behavior depends on the kernel. Although I can't vouch for FreeBSD, I tested on Solaris (both SPARC 2.6 and x86 10) and several other platforms, and in 5.97 / 6.1, Linux was the *only* platform I tested on which it did not work. All of which is in the Savannah comments.

I #ifdef'd the change to avoid doing unnecessary work on platforms that work correctly without the extra call.

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