On 2006-09-27 19:00:44 -0500, mwoehlke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
Paul Eggert wrote:
Can I validly talk Apple into upgrading their provided gzip to 1.3.5
when this is not in the stable category (for _whatever_ reason[s])?
If 1.3.5 is fine to use, it needs to be assigned as such, or Apple
would find an argument to close the bug rather quickly.

Debian stable uses gzip 1.3.5.  Solaris 10 uses gzip 1.3.3.  (Both
have added patches, for security reasons.)  Anybody using gzip 1.2.4
in this day and age ought to have their head examined.

Ok, as one of "anybody", I have to object to that... The problem is the only thing advertised *anywhere* is 1.2.4. I had to look *really closely* at http://www.gzip.org to find 1.3.3 (and don't even bother with http://directory.fsf.org/gzip.html; no mention there)... which, of course, is labeled "beta" and doesn't mention anything about 1.2.4 being "bad". And darned if I found a 1.3.5 anywhere except http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net. If I have to be an "insider" to have any clue that 1.2.4 is "bad", then someone (multiple someone's, really) is SERIOUSLY dropping the ball as a maintainer.

Yes if one doesn't know about the alpha FTP site, one wouldn't find the
official gzip-1.3.5 sourceball:

Right, but of course I didn't find any *links* to that. IOW, as you said, one has to "just know" that it exists. And further that despite its alpha status, people really do recommend using it.

Now look at the dates -- this has been tucked away for four years?!?!??
(fwiw apparently gzip is so old, there are no discussions groups, mail-lists,
or web forums for it; gmane only carries info-zip and 7zip groups here...
so how would one get word out?)

Old, and apparently unmaintained, which was sort of my original point.

Word would get out by a new stable release (as we've said, isn't it about time?!), which would be announced on, at minimum, http://www.gzip.org and http://directory.fsf.org/gzip.html.

Download. Untar. Configure. Make. Install. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

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