Why not simply cap the size at 4 MB? If it is greater than 4 MB just go with 4 MB instead of 512 bytes. In fact, you might even want to cap it at less than 4 MB, say 1 MB or 512 KB. I think you will find that any size larger than the 32-128 kb range yields no further performance increase and can even be detrimental due to the increased memory pressure.

Tony Ernst wrote:
Hi Paul,

Unfortunately, there isn't really a "largest" legitimate st_blksize for XFS file systems, or I should say the maximum is whatever fits into a size_t (64 bits). It's dependent on the stripe width. I talked with an XFS developer who told me that 2GB is not out of the question today.

Now there is also the question of whether or not we really want cp/mv
allocating a 2GB buffer, but that's a different issue (and a site with that kind of disk set-up probably also has plenty of memory).

Since the 4MB check was to fix a specific problem on hpux, it seems like that check should occur inside the "# if defined hpux ..." section. At the very least, since the bogus value returned by hpux is such an strange number, maybe we could just change:
                        && (statbuf).st_blksize <= (1 << 22)) /* 4MB */ \
                        && (statbuf).st_blksize != 2147421096) \

I would be very surprised if 2147421096 was ever a valid st_blksize on any system/filesystem. It's not a power of 2, or even a multiple of 128, 512, etc.

% factor 2147421096
2147421096: 2 2 2 3 3 17 37 47417


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