Leo Butler wrote:
> -16 -2 -14 -5 1 1 0 0.3080808080808057 0 0.1540404040404028 0.3904338415207971

That should be fine.

> I have a dual processor machine, with each processor being an Intel Core 2 
> Duo E6850, rated at 3GHz and cache 4096 kB, with 3.8GB total physical 
> memory and 4GB swap space and two partitions on the hdd with 200GB and 
> 140GB available space.

Sounds like a very nice machine.

> I am using sort v. 5.2.1 and v. 6.1 & v. 6.9. The former is installed as 
> part of the RHEL OS and the latter two were compiled from the source at 
> http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/coreutils/ with the gcc v. 3.4.6 compiler.

All good so far.  To nail down two more details, could you provide the
output of these commands?

  uname -a

  ldd --version | head -n1

  file /usr/bin/sort ./sort

That will give us the kernel and libc versions.  That last will report
whether the binary programs are 32-bit or 64-bit.

> When I attempt to sort the file, with a command like
> ./sort -S 250M -k 6,6n -k 7,7n -k 8,8n -k 9,9n -k 10,10n -k 11,11n -T /data 
> -T /data2 -o out.sort in.txt
> sort rapidly chews up about 40-50% of total physical memory (=1.5-1.9GB) at 
> which point the error message 'sort: memory exhausted' appears. This 
> appears to be independent of the parameter passed through the -S option.
> ...
> Is this an idiosyncratic problem?

That is very strange.  If by idiosyncratic do you mean is this
particular to your system?  Probably.  Because I have routinely sorted
large files without problem.  But that doesn't mean it isn't a bug.

At 50G the data file is very large compared to your 4G of physical
memory.  This means that sort cannot sort it in memory.  It will open
temporary files and sort a large chunk to one file and then another
and then another as a first pass splitting up the input file into many
sorted chunks.  As a second pass it will merge-sort the sorted chunks
together into the output file.

What is the output of this command on your system?

  sysctl vm.overcommit_memory

I am asking because by default the linux kernel overcommits memory and
does not return out of memory conditions.  Instead the process (or
some other one) is killed by the linux out-of-memory killer.  But
enterprise systems will be configured with overcommit disabled for
reliability reasons and that appears to be how your system is
configured because you wouldn't see a message about being out of
memory from sort otherwise.  (I always disable overcommit so as to
avoid the out-of-memory killer.)

Do you have user process limits active?  What is the output of this

  ulimit -a

What does free say on your system?


> I have read backlogs of the list and people report sort-ing 100GB
> files. Do you have any ideas?

Without doing a lot of debugging I am wondering if your choice of
locale setting is affecting this.  I doubt it because all of the sort
fields are numeric.  But because this is easy enough could you try
sorting using LC_ALL=C and see if that makes a difference?

  LC_ALL=C sort -k 6,6n -k 7,7n -k 8,8n -k 9,9n -k 10,10n -k 11,11n -T /data -T 
/data2 -o out.sort in.txt

Also could you determine how large the process is at the time that
sort reports running out of memory?  I am wondering if it is at a
magic number size such as 2G or 4G that could provide more insight
into the problem.


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