Eric Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> According to Bob Proulx on 2/18/2008 6:56 PM:
> |> ./bootstrap: aclocal --force -I m4 ...
> |> aclocal: aclocal: file `m4/isnan.m4' does not exist
> |> 1
> |
> | Not sure about that.
> But I am, having seen it myself.  It happens when you have a stale symlink
> from an older copy of gnulib, but which now points nowhere because the
> file was renamed in gnulib.  gnulib-tool --import automatically deletes
> such symlinks, but coreutils' bootstrap script does not yet do so.  For
> now, I use:
> find -L -depth -lname '*' -delete
> to get the tree back in a workable state after updating gnulib but before
> re-running ./bootstrap.

Yes, I see it regularly, when switching between git branches
that add or remove .m4 files.

It's annoying.  Didn't someone (you, Eric?) post an automake
patch to generate Makefile rules that would avoid this?

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