Eric Blake wrote:
> I don't think you can do it by default - it must be via an option.  POSIX
> states:
> ~    The output from du shall consist of the amount of space allocated to a
> file and the name of the file, in the following format:
> ~    "%d %s\n", <size>, <pathname>
> (where ' ' implies an arbitrary amount of whitespace characters).
> I don't think we can arbitrarily add / to <pathname> and still comply with

So does that mean we should be stripping trailing /
from directories that are specified?

$ du -s /tmp////
8040    /tmp////

I think adding a / to all dirs is therefore more consistent
as well as providing more info to the user.
I understand the need to comply with POSIX where possible,
but one needs to use common sense to move forward.
POSIX is not the be all and end all.


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