
The texts from 'who --help' and 'info who' say different things.  
The latter does not mention the options -p, -r and -t.  It further 
mentions -H twice, does not list -l, --login and --lookup in their 
alphabetical positions, and says that -s is ignored, but it is not 
entirely: it overrides -u.  Finally, 'who --help' does not describe 
the -u option very well: "list users logged in".  That is the 
default behaviour.  Better would be: "also show idle time and PID".

(By the way, the description of the -l option on 'man 1p who' is 
not good: "List only those lines on which the system is waiting 
for someone to login."  It cannot be "only" when -a combines -l 
with other options.  It had better say: "List the lines...".)


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