See below.  At step 2, the 'file' command truncates the final 'F' in the
filename.  I'm assuming some buffer is only 32 bytes long, so only strings
up to 31 characters are supported.  Note that the script does work just fine
(i.e., this version of Linux has no problem running a #! script where the
interpreter pathname is longer than 31 characters)

(1) % file --version
magic file from /etc/magic:/usr/share/file/magic
(2) % file bin/StartTimes 
bin/StartTimes: a /home/users/g/gazelle/bin/gawkO script text executable
(3) % head -1 bin/StartTimes
#!/home/users/g/gazelle/bin/gawkOF -f
(4) % head -1 bin/StartTimes | gawk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print 
1 34 #!/home/users/g/gazelle/bin/gawkOF
2 2 -f
(5) % file bin/StartTimes | gawk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) print i,length($i),$i}'
1 15 bin/StartTimes:
2 1 a
3 31 /home/users/g/gazelle/bin/gawkO
4 6 script
5 4 text
6 10 executable
(6) % dir bin/gawkOF 
8 -rwxr-xr-x 2 gazelle users 5108 2008-08-31 01:59 bin/gawkOF*
(7) % exit

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