I have built coreutils-6.12 on a GNU/Linux RedHat3 system. When I use
the "cp" command with the --preserve=mode,timestamps switch there is a
problem where a copy to a nfs mounted file system does not set the
timesamp properly.

I show examples below where I run the command on GNU/Linux RedHat3 and it
works as expected. Then I run the same binary on GNU/Linux RedHat4 and
it does not work properly.

I believe I reported this quite some time ago. I was hoping the problem
was solved in coreutils-6.12 as some of the users are needing this

The /tmp on my machine is the local drive. The installed_tree/bin is
where I am executing the command. The installed_tree is a nfs mounted
file system. It is served by a NetApp system.

coreutils-6.12 built on gnu/linux RedHat3

execute on GNU/Linux RedHat4

./cp --preserve=mode,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership yes z
./cp --preserve=mode,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership yes /tmp/z
./cp --preserve=mode,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership /tmp/z zz
./cp --preserve=mode,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership /tmp/z /tmp/zz

ll yes /tmp/z /tmp/zz z zz

-rwxr-xr-x  1 wdtmgr wdtmgr 73211 Oct  3 12:02 yes
-rwxr-xr-x  1 wdtmgr wdtmgr 73211 Oct  3 12:02 /tmp/z
-rwxr-xr-x  1 wdtmgr wdtmgr 73211 Oct  3 12:02 /tmp/zz
-rwxr-xr-x  1 wdtmgr wdtmgr 73211 Oct  3 12:07 z         << WRONG TIME
-rwxr-xr-x  1 wdtmgr wdtmgr 73211 Oct  3 12:08 zz        << WRONG TIME


execute on GNU/Linux RedHat3

./cp --preserve=mode,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership yes y
./cp --preserve=mode,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership yes /tmp/y
./cp --preserve=mode,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership /tmp/y yy
./cp --preserve=mode,timestamps --no-preserve=ownership /tmp/y /tmp/yy

ll yes /tmp/y /tmp/yy y yy
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wdtmgr   wdtmgr      73211 Oct  3 12:02 /tmp/y
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wdtmgr   wdtmgr      73211 Oct  3 12:02 /tmp/yy
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wdtmgr   wdtmgr      73211 Oct  3 12:02 y
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wdtmgr   wdtmgr      73211 Oct  3 12:02 yes
-rwxr-xr-x    1 wdtmgr   wdtmgr      73211 Oct  3 12:02 yy


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