Davide Canova wrote:
> $ sort -k 1b,1b       #1
> a   x
> a  y
> a z
> ^D
> a z
> a  y
> a   x
> $ sort -k 1b,1.0b     #2
> a   x
> a  y
> a z
> ^D
> a   x
> a  y
> a z

I'm confused by the first command output too.
I'm not sure what the code is trying to do.
It looks like if you do specify and end field,
but don't specify the .# part of it (as in the first
example above), it bumps the end field up one?
The line of code doing that is: http://url.ie/141l
That in conjunction with skipping "ending blanks"
is causing the issue I think.


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