On Tuesday 03 February 2009 17:01:02 Jeromy Keloway wrote:
> Good afternoon
> What I have to say is a little bit... hard to believe.
> But I think I found a "bug" in the Shell-Command "cp". The command goes
> into a endless loop when I do the following:
Endless loop? Does the cp process consume CPU or it is suspended on I/O 
operation by kernel?

> 1) Mount a partition with the filesystem "ext3" ("/media/EXT3drive")
> 2) Mount a partition with the filesystem "fat32" ("/media/FAT32drive")
> 3) Generate a file on the ext3-System with a filesize > 4GB
> 4) Try to copy this file from /media/EXT3drive to /media/FAT32drive with
> the following command: "cp -urv /media/EXT3drive/4GBfile.img
> /media/FAT32drive/4GBfile.img"
> 5) The file will be transfered until the filesize reached the 4GB limit.
> When the file has the maximum size that is possible on FAT32, it stop
> growing and cp is waiting forever to complet this file(wait about 48h ->
> nothing happens).
Does it happen only with cp or other programs on your system bahave this way? 
Strace output could help in both cases.

> What cp should do:
> Check the filesystem on the target partition before the transfer begins and
> inform the user about any problems OR interrupt the transfer of this file
> and write a log/inform the user.
Current cp implementation is file system independent. I am not sure if the 
proposed solution is the clearest one.


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