Matthew Woehlke wrote:
this run [is] 7.1.49

==== ppc/Darwin 7.9.0 ====

 6 of 367 tests failed
 (57 tests were not run)

(I'm going to put these in a separate mail)

 All 116 tests passed
 (6 tests were not run)

As promised...

FAIL: chmod/no-x
+ chmod a-x . b
+ fail=1
+ test 0 = 1
+ fail=1
+ Exit 1
+ set +e
+ exit 1
+ exit 1
+ remove_tmp_
+ __st=1
+ cleanup_
+ :
+ cd /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests + chmod -R u+rwx /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-no-x.soDnFLo7Ec + rm -rf /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-no-x.soDnFLo7Ec
+ exit 1

FAIL: rm/rm3
+ diff -u out exp
--- out 2009-03-18 17:15:28.000000000 -0700
+++ exp 2009-03-18 17:15:28.000000000 -0700
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 rm: remove directory `z'
 rm: remove directory `z/d'
 rm: remove regular empty file `z/empty'
-rm: remove regular file `z/fu'
 rm: remove symbolic link `z/slink'
 rm: remove symbolic link `z/slinkdot'
 rm: remove write-protected directory `z/du'
 rm: remove write-protected regular empty file `z/empty-u'
+rm: remove write-protected regular file `z/fu'
+ fail=1
+ test -d z
+ Exit 1
+ set +e
+ exit 1
+ exit 1
+ remove_tmp_
+ __st=1
+ cleanup_
+ :
+ cd /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests + chmod -R u+rwx /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-rm3.Sstkwv3UX1 + rm -rf /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-rm3.Sstkwv3UX1
+ exit 1

FAIL: cp/fail-perm
+ cp -pR D DD
++ ls -ld DD
++ cut -b-10
+ mode=dr-x------
+ test dr-x------ = dr-x------
+ chmod 0 D
+ ln -s D/D symlink
+ touch F
+ cat
+ cp F symlink
+ fail=1
+ sed 's/: The file access permissions.*/: Permission denied/'
+ mv o1 out
+ compare out exp
+ diff -u out exp
--- out 2009-03-18 17:22:05.000000000 -0700
+++ exp 2009-03-18 17:22:05.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+cp: accessing `symlink': Permission denied
+ fail=1
+ cp --target-directory=symlink F
+ fail=1
+ sed 's/: The file access permissions.*/: Permission denied/'
+ mv o1 out
+ compare out exp
+ diff -u out exp
--- out 2009-03-18 17:22:05.000000000 -0700
+++ exp 2009-03-18 17:22:05.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+cp: accessing `symlink': Permission denied
+ fail=1
+ chmod 700 D
+ Exit 1
+ set +e
+ exit 1
+ exit 1
+ remove_tmp_
+ __st=1
+ cleanup_
+ :
+ cd /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests + chmod -R u+rwx /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-fail-perm.hWwneFj2Mw + rm -rf /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-fail-perm.hWwneFj2Mw
+ exit 1

FAIL: df/total-verify
+ fail=0
+ perl -f check-df space
Unrecognized switch: -f  (-h will show valid options).
+ fail=1
+ perl -f check-df inode
Unrecognized switch: -f  (-h will show valid options).
+ fail=1
+ Exit 1

FAIL: du/inaccessible-cwd
+ fail=0
+ du /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-inaccessible-cwd.DEijdGEPo1/a
du: unable to record current working directory: Permission denied
+ fail=1
+ Exit 1
+ set +e
+ exit 1
+ exit 1
+ remove_tmp_
+ __st=1
+ cleanup_
+ :
+ cd /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests + chmod -R u+rwx /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-inaccessible-cwd.DEijdGEPo1 + rm -rf /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-inaccessible-cwd.DEijdGEPo1
+ exit 1

FAIL: mv/i-2
+ fail=0
+ mv -if a b
+ mv -fi c d
+ cp -if e f
++ cat out
+ fail=1
+ test -f e
+ test -f f
+ compare e f
+ diff -u e f
diff: f: Permission denied
+ fail=1
+ cp -fi g h
+ test -f g
+ test -f h
+ compare g h
+ diff -u g h
diff: h: Permission denied
+ fail=1
+ Exit 1
+ set +e
+ exit 1
+ exit 1
+ remove_tmp_
+ __st=1
+ cleanup_
+ :
+ cd /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests + chmod -R u+rwx /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-i-2.fMDKwvbAch + rm -rf /private/automount/home/install/gnu/build/power_darwin/coreutils-7.1.49-ebb9/tests/cu-i-2.fMDKwvbAch
+ exit 1

(IIRC one or more of these is due to a kernel bug.)

Please do not quote my e-mail address unobfuscated in message bodies.
"Two IIRC's must make a right" -- Larry Hall (paraphrased)

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