On Tue, 21 Apr 2009, Toralf F?rster wrote:

For a long time I used the command "factor" to test my system WRT the cpu
ondemand governor of the linux kernel, eg for issues like this :

However switching from coreutils-6.10 to 7.1 (stable Gentoo Linux) now the
factor command is too fast: it takes only 0.003 sec instead of 5.5 sec for
the same prime number.

That's probably due to this entry from NEWS:

* Noteworthy changes in release 7.0 (2008-10-05) [beta]

  If the GNU MP library is available at configure time, factor and
  expr support arbitrarily large numbers.  Pollard's rho algorithm is
  used to factor large numbers.

Therefore I'm wondering whether you have a hint for me which number I could
use nowadays ?

If the goal is simply drive the CPU usage to 100% for 5 seconds, this would work:

$ timeout 5 factor 20158916322613169725842061629370496430


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