The dd manpage still has an formattig error in the section which
describes the FLAGS:

       Each FLAG symbol may be:

       append append mode (makes sense only  for  output;  conv=notrunc

       direct use direct I/O for data

              directory  fail unless a directory dsync     use synchro-
              nized I/O for data sync      likewise, but also for meta-
              data  nonblock   use  non-blocking  I/O  noatime   do not
              update access time noctty    do  not  assign  controlling
              terminal from file nofollow  do not follow symlinks

The issue was reported in this posting:
("dd: adjust --help output so help2man formats the man page properly")

I have found no answer to this posting. As the dd manpage of GNU
coreutils 6.12 (which come with Fedora 10) has still the display error
in the manpage, I think that this posting got overlooked.

It would be nice if this could get corrected for future versions.

Thank you and best regards,

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