
On http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/faq/ the second paragraph
says: "This master location of this document is available online at ..."
It should probably read either "The master location of this document
is: ..." or "The master version of this document is available online at ..."

In the third paragraph it says: "consider posting the question to the
bug lists."  lists -> list

The third element of the table of contents still mentions fileutils instead
of coreutils: "Where can I get the latest version of GNU fileutils?"  The
item itself correctly mentions coreutils.

The later elements in that table of contents do not consistently end in
periods.  And in the last element a colon is missing after "cp and mv".

In item 2: "three packages combined implement the core set" --
implement -> implemented.
"14 character limited"?  Not "9-character limited"?
"But all three" -> "But the three"
"These three packages" -> "In 2003 these three packages"
"This greatly simplifies" -> "This greatly simplified"
And in the title a comma is missing after Fileutils.

In item 4: "and although are generally" -> "and although generally"
"using this command." -> "using this command:"

In item 5: "Also with the" -> "Including the"

In item 6: "are in no position to be able to do anything" ->
"are in no position to do anything"
"We can't help you about any" -> "We can't help you with any"
"were severely effected" -> "were severely affected"

In item 8: "has put in to" -> "has put into"

In item 9: "another place that file could be created" ->
"another place that a file could be created"
"You use up their quote" -> "You use up their quota"

Item 10 can probably be deleted.  It still refers to fileutils.

In item 11: "in the front of it" -> "in front of it"

In item 12: "them you can interrupt" -> "then you can interrupt"

In item 13: "expands file globs" -> "expands globbing characters"
(When someone does not know what glob means, googling for
globbing will give preciser results than for globs.)
"You can test that with the echo command. echo rm -i *" ->
"(You can test this with the echo command: echo rm -i * )"
with the command in <code></code> tags.

In item 14: "wild-cards" -> "wildcards", "wild card" -> "wildcard"
"handing the arguments off to" -> "handing the arguments to"
"the expanded out names" -> "the expanded names"
(In my opinion those extra prepositions make the sentences
harder to understand.)
"names in current directory" -> "names in the current directory"
"and hands of the" -> "and hands the"
"but any arbitrary path" -> "or any arbitrary path"
"in a way keeping with" -> "in keeping with"
"and hand the results off to" -> "and hands the results to"
"will fail execute" -> "will fail to execute"
"there is still limit" -> "there is still a limit"
"this limited argument space limit" -> "this limited argument space"
"equivalent to the following question" -> "equivalent to the following example"
"easier to understand what is going on" -> "easier to understand"
"as an extension was using the" -> "as an extension by using the"

In item 16: "you only want to restrict directory listings to only show"
"you want to restrict directory listings to only show"
"This will do what you want." -> "This will do what you want:"
"are using bash, some" -> "are using bash. Some"
"to quote it, this will" -> "to quote it. This will"
"many power file finding features" -> "many powerful file finding features"
"allowed the operating system" -> "allowed by the operating system"

In item 18: "e.g. files with names" -> "that is files with names"

In item 20 it is very unclear what the first sentence is an answer to.
Also: "such as, I have found a bug in the sleep() function, or, ... ." ->
"such as 'I have found a bug in the sleep() function' or '...'."
"are also C program" -> "is also a C program"

In item 21: "the internal shell built in" -> "the internal shell builtin"
"improve the speed performance" -> "improve the speed of execution"

In item 22: "environment variables like LANG, LC_ALL, or LANG" ->
"environment variables like LANG, LC_COLLATE or LC_ALL"
"Unset them, and then set LC_ALL to POSIX".  Unsetting the others
should not be necessary, as LC_ALL overrides them.  So ->
"Simply set LC_ALL to POSIX".

The link at the end of item 23 does not work any more.

In item 25: "until such time at that file was created" ->
"until the time that such file was created"

In item 26: "will allow you change the owner" ->
"will allow you to change the owner"

In item 27: "compile them up again" -> "compile them again"
"make it is possible" -> "make it possible"

In item 31: "A very common case is when this occurs is" ->
"A very common case where this occurs is"
"A related question which is why does ... filesystem?"->
"A related question is 'why does ... filesystem?'"

In item 33: "the cp and move" -> "the cp and mv"
"The best recommended alternative is to use rsync command" ->
"Previously the best alternative was to use the rsync command"

Okay, enough.  :)


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