Jim Meyering wrote:
> Subject: [PATCH 01/10] cp: Add FIEMAP support for efficient sparse file copy

FYI, using those patches, I ran a test for the first time in a few days:

    check -C tests TESTS=cp/sparse-fiemap VERBOSE=yes

It failed like this on an ext4 partition using F13:

    + timeout 10 cp --sparse=always sparse fiemap
    + fail=1
    ++ stat --printf %s sparse
    ++ stat --printf %s fiemap
    + test 1099511628800 = 0
    + fail=1

That is very odd.  No diagnostic from cp, yet it failed
after creating a zero-length file.

Here's the corresponding piece of the script:

    # It takes many minutes to copy this sparse file using the old method.
    # By contrast, it takes far less than 1 second using FIEMAP-copy.
    timeout 10 cp --sparse=always sparse fiemap || fail=1

    # Ensure that the sparse file copied through fiemap has the same size
    # in bytes as the original.
    test $(stat --printf %s sparse) = $(stat --printf %s fiemap) || fail=1

However, so far I've been unable to reproduce the failure,
running hundreds of iterations:

    for i in $(seq 300); do printf .; make check -C tests \
      TESTS=cp/sparse-fiemap VERBOSE=yes >& makerr-$i || break; done

Have any of you heard of a problem whereby a cold cache can cause
such a thing?  "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" didn't help.
I suspect that having so many extents is unusual, so maybe
this is a rarely exercised corner case.

As I wrote the above, I realized I probably had enough
information to deduce where things were going wrong, even
if so far I've been unable to reproduce it.

And sure enough.  There is a way to provoke exactly
that failure.  If the *second* (or later) FIEMAP ioctl fails:

      fiemap->fm_length = FIEMAP_MAX_OFFSET;
      fiemap->fm_extent_count = count;

      /* When ioctl(2) fails, fall back to the normal copy only if it
         is the first time we met.  */
      if (ioctl (src_fd, FS_IOC_FIEMAP, fiemap) < 0)
          /* If the first ioctl fails, tell the caller that it is
             ok to proceed with a normal copy.  */
          if (i == 0)
            *normal_copy_required = true;
          return false;

In that case, fiemap_copy returns false (with no diagnostic)
and cp fails silently.

Obviously I will now add code to diagnose the failure,
but do any of you know off hand how to reproduce this
or what the failure might have been?

Here's the patch I plan to merge:

diff --git a/src/copy.c b/src/copy.c
index eb67700..07d605e 100644
--- a/src/copy.c
+++ b/src/copy.c
@@ -200,6 +200,12 @@ fiemap_copy (int src_fd, int dest_fd, size_t buf_size,
              ok to proceed with a normal copy.  */
           if (i == 0)
             *normal_copy_required = true;
+          else
+            {
+              /* If the second or subsequent ioctl fails, diagnose it,
+                 since it ends up causing the entire copy/cp to fail.  */
+              error (0, errno, _("%s: FIEMAP ioctl failed"), quote (src_name));
+            }
           return false;

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