Ellis N. Thomas wrote:
>       The Gnu "bug-coreutils Archives" does not seem to have linked
> my reply message of April 10, 2013, and your reply as below, to our
> previous messages for bug#14024 on and before March 27, 2013.

The mailing list archive tracks messages on the mailing list.  The BTS
(bug tracking system) tracks messages to the bug log.  And of course
the BTS mail forwards to the mailing list.  The mailing list archive
only knows about your email.  If your email doesn't reply to a
message, has missing In-Reply-To: and no References: headers, then it
isn't threaded.  Some mailers always (nastily) break threads.
Conversely if someone replies creating those headers but changes the
Subject line then the message is threaded as per the headers.

Also the mailing list archive is rotated every month.  If a thread of
discussion cross month boundaries then the thread will be split across
the monthly archives.  I think that is what you are seeing here.  It
is in a different month.

The BTS log on the other hand is a continuous trail of messages that
are sent to the bug log.  These will be a duplicate of the messages to
the mailing list but the archive is a separate one and it is bug
ticket centric.  All information about the bug is in the bug log.

>       See my message of 27 March 2013 21:08:09 GMT (in archive as 17:08)
> for details about the file system.

For referencing bug related items I suggest using the BTS archive.  I
believe you are refering to this message:


And now that I have added this information it too will appear in the
bug log.


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