retitle 15083 mknod fails over NFS
tag 15083 + moreinfo

Paul Eggert wrote:
> Manish Gupta wrote:
> > when i try to create in NFS mounted
> > volume, hitting with error "operation not permitted".
> It sounds like your NFS server is not permitting it.
> If so, it's not mknod's fault.  You can double-check
> by running 'strace mknode' and seeing what system calls
> it's using.

As far as I know NFS does not support the making of device nodes.
Remember that NFS is not a POSIX compliant filesystem.  It only
supports a subset of file operations.

You are asking mknod to do something that the kernel/filesystem does
not support.  Therefore it is failing and telling you that the
operation is not permitted.  In this case it is not permitted by the
system kernel.

This is not anything that a userland utility like mknod can do
anything about.  It is not a bug in mknod.  And mknod is operating
correctly by emitting the error message.

In order to know more you would need to tell us what command you were
running that failed.  And also include what type of system you were
running on and what type of file system you were using.


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