On 20/11/2013 15:47, Bernhard Voelker wrote:

-          /* If a command line argument resolves to "/" (and --preserve-root
+          /* POSIX also says:
+             If a command line argument resolves to "/" (and --preserve-root
              is in effect -- default) diagnose and skip it.  */
           if (ROOT_DEV_INO_CHECK (x->root_dev_ino, ent->fts_statp))

So it is easier to delete everything under '/' than
under /tmp/.


Maybe since '/' doesn't really delete the file system itself,
but only files and dirs underneath '/',

Then the correct solution is if a user says
to remove /tmp/
it will remove everything under /tmp but not /tmp itself?

That doesn't seem to be disallowed by POSIX...

(its a bit absurd, but as long as it conforms to POSIX
it should be fine, right? ;-/)

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