tags 23353 notabug
close 23353

On 04/24/2016 08:29 AM, Akshaj Vk wrote:
> levin@ubuntu-1gb-sgp1-01:~$ sudo apt-get remove apache2*
> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (2: No such file or
> directory)
> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you
> root?
> levin@ubuntu-1gb-sgp1-01:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
>  * Reloading web server apache2
>                                                                *
>  * The apache2 configtest failed. Not doing anything.

You have reached the GNU coreutils list.  We do not know apt-get
or apache2 here ... at least, there are much better places you
could ask for help: the distribution's lists (Ubuntu), or a
mailing list for apache2.

As your problem doesn't seem to be related to any coreutils program,
I'm closing this bug in our bug tracker.

Have a nice day,

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