On 01/09/2017 01:38 PM, L A Walsh wrote:
> Paul Eggert wrote:
>> On 01/09/2017 10:48 AM, L A Walsh wrote:
>>>     That's not what I'm used to: 
>> I couldn't parse your email. 
> ---
> 1) I ran the ls command on a directory, shows 4 columns   (that were in
> color).

That right there is a clue that your 'ls' is a non-standard alias that
is adding additional command lines.  'ls' by default does not output in

> 2) Next I ran the same ls command through more (really 'less' -- something
>   set @ distro level, but found convenient, so kept it).  Output is
>   identical.

Again, output is identical BECAUSE of your alias.  But if you run:

\ls | more

you will get DIFFERENT output.

> It's not good practice, IMO, to be altering output based on
> what (or who) is reading it (at least not by default).

Good or not, it IS what happens, and we can't change it due to years of

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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