Chih-Hsuan Yen wrote:
> The `c_iscntrl()` patch also fixes the issue on macOS. Please tell me
> if you want me to test other patches, thanks!

You could test how it behaves with mount points that contain U+2028 or
U+2029 characters. On Linux, I'd test it like this. Hope it's similar
on macOS:
$ mkdir /tmp/`printf 'abc\u2028def\u2029ghi'`
$ sudo mount -r -t iso9660 -o loop /some/iso/image.iso /tmp/abc*
$ df
/dev/loop0                1986048    1986048          0  100% /tmp/abc�def�ghi
$ ls -ld /tmp/abc*
dr-xr-xr-x 4 root root 2048 Nov 19  2014 /tmp/abc?def?ghi


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