tags 7176 wontfix
close 7176

(Triaging old bugs)


On 16/04/13 11:12 AM, Mihai Capotă wrote:
On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 1:52 AM, Pádraig Brady <p...@draigbrady.com> wrote:
So I was 50:50 on making this change, and in the meantime numfmt(1) was 
which gives full control over number formatting, albeit in a more 
verbose/explicit form.

Let me see if I can convince you with a use case. If you set
"BLOCK_SIZE=binary" in your shell configuration file, you get the
output you want from all programs that use gnulib. That's not only
about verbosity, it's something that cannot be easily done with

Given that:
1. numfmt does some of the requested functionality
2. environment variables are frowned upon and not likely to be expanded
3. there has been no further comments in 5 and a half years

I'm opting to close this bug, and we can always re-open the bug if
needed. Discussion can continue by replying to this thread,

 - assaf

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