tags 33281 wontfix
severity 33281 wishlist
close 33281


On 2018-11-06 12:52 p.m., Paul Eggert wrote:
On 11/5/18 1:17 PM, Philip Rowlands wrote:
To achieve consistency in the other direction, head could ignore the optimization to reduce the number of bytes read, and always read 8192 bytes, knowing that some would be discarded.

Let's not do that. It's less efficient and less useful than what GNU 'head -c4' is doing now.

For widely differing values, the only way to produce the same residual output would be to consume all input data.

Eeuuww. Let's *especially* not do that.

Given the above, I'm closing this as "wontfix".
Discussion can continue by replying to this thread.


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