tags 32291 notabug
close 32291


Seems your message was not replied to in 6 months - sorry about that.

On 2018-07-27 3:48 a.m., Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver wrote:

`ls -ltcr` seems to be the one showing the correct date here. I like to use `ls -ltc` because it's my initials. My colleague was running `ls -lrt`.

$ ls -ltcr ludo*

-rw-rw-rw- 1 pax pax 237817 Jul 20 06:53 ludovic.tolhurst-cleaver_sabstt.com-log-20180720.gz

$ ls -lrt ludo*

-rw-rw-rw- 1 pax pax 237817 Jul 18 12:30 ludovic.tolhurst-cleaver_sabstt.com-log-20180720.gz

The manual explains the "-c" option:
$ ls --help
  -c                 with -lt: sort by, and show, ctime (time of last
                     modification of file status information);

What you are seeing is the file's status-change timestamp (with "-c")
versus the file's content modification timestamp (without "-c").
You can view all timestamps at once with:
   stat ludo*

As such, I'm closing this as "not a bug", but discussion can continue
by replying to this thread.

 - assaf

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