On 1/18/2019 12:32 AM, Assaf Gordon wrote:
> retitle 12400 rmdir: add --one-file-system option
> severity 12400 wishlist
> tags 12400 wontfix
> stop
>> If you want a recursive option why not use 'rm -rf'?
rmdir already provides a recursive delete that can cross
file system boundaries


dir1 is on 1 file system, dir 2 is on another and dir 3 can be on another.

>> There is always 'find' with the -delete option.  But regardless there
>> has been the find -exec option.
    true -- so why should 'rm' protect against crossing boundaries
deleting '/' or everything under '.' when there is find?

find is the obvious solution you are saying, so all that checking in
rm should be removed, as it is inconsistent with rmdir that can
cross boundaries.

As for closing something not addressed for 6 years while the problem
has grown worse -- (rmdir didnt' used to have a recursive delete), doesn't
seem a great way to judge whether or not a bug is valid or not .

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