
You (and any other developer) surely have the right to feel that you
do not have the time or desire to implement such a feature (for any
reason). You may also feel that I'd be the only one served by such a
feature and therefore the feature request lacks worthiness to have
time allocated to it. I would take no offense if you said, we are not
interested in that request, but, this is open source so you may
implement it yourself if you wish. That is a very fair response to
take, however, your response is not that and as such is was a bit
offensive. Presuming you did not mean it to be offensive, I would
imagine you can appreciate how I might not feel all smiles by being
told what will be the most useful thing for me, I prefer to make that
determination on my own thank you very much. As such, I honestly
attempted to articulate with the greatest specificity I could that
which I meant.

If English is not a first language for you and you really were not
sure what I meant, okay, I apologize in advance. However, I doubt that
is the case since you restated what you thought I said in your own
words with similar meaning in precedence to lambasting the idea in a
dismissive and derisive manner.

The foregoing notwithstanding, I do believe that software is best
designed when it provisions that greatest level of flexibility and
capability to potential users. Any time a programmer or designer
begins to determine what functionality a user will never use or want,
it all but guarantees someone will complain and say, NO, that is
EXACTLY what I want it to do. Thus, I would argue that whilst there
may surely be a use case as you propose and as I already have a use
case for what I propose, then perhaps I am best to amend my request
such that it satisfies both. The fact that you have seen a way to
expand and more greatly augment the value of my idea is surely
interesting and therefore I am amending my request in pursuance of
such a capability!

A parameter representing a filesystem type to be additive to the
currently supported default list of filesystems.

this parameter overrides the default functionality of the
"--include-type" being additive to the currently supported list of
default filesystems and replaces that list with the filesystem or
filesystems so specified in the "--include-type" parameter.


Quoting: Pádraig Brady <p...@draigbrady.com>

On 14/04/2021 15:36, Stuart Blake Tener wrote:
Honorable maintainers,

I am interested to request a feature addition to the 'df' program for
Linux. I have been working with UNIX in general since 1985. For some
time I have wanted this feature and just never took the time to ask
for it (okay, that is not your fault!), but here I am requesting away.

It is surely possible to use '--type' to enumerate (painfully) all the
filesystem types you want. However, what I would like is an
'--include-type'. Thus, if I want df to work as normal but just to
include one more filesystem that I want in its functional list (say
ZFS), then this would be quite handy! What say you?

Thanks in the past for coreutils and thanks in advance too! Do keep up
the excellent work and stay safe (thug free), healthy, and blessed.
  Very Respectfully,

Do you mean for --include-type=blahfs to display blahfs
along with the default types it displays.
I.e. where blahfs would normally be suppressed
(due to being a dummy file system etc.).

If so, that doesn't seem that useful,
as for that use case you'd probably be more
interested in seeing blahfs in isolation.

 Very Respectfully,

Stuart Blake Tener, BScCS, N3GWG (Extra), MROP
Computer Scientist / FCC Licensed Radio Operator

Las Vegas, NV / Philadelphia, PA

(310) 358-0202 Mobile Phone
(215) 338-6005 Google Voice

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