On Fri, 2 Feb 2024 16:40:26 +0200, Ricky Tigg <ricky.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OS: Fedora v86_64. coreutils v.: 9.3. Shell: bash v. 5.2.26.
> Hello. Normally outputs are printed after the command prompt; "#" "$" on
> my system.
> (...)@(...):~$ rpm -ql coreutils | head -2
> /usr/bin/[
> /usr/bin/arch
> Unexpectedly, through a pipe invoking 'tr', outputs are printed before the
> command prompts.
> (...)@(...):~$ rpm -ql coreutils | head -2 | tr '\n' ' '
> /usr/bin/[ /usr/bin/arch (...)@(...):~$

You're removing newlines, and this causes the prompt to be displayed
immediately after the command output without an intervening newline.


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