hello there,

I fetched the source code of cvs and compile it on my NT box.  NMAKE
complains about compiling rcscmds.c with an error message said "diffrun.h
not found".  Adding one line and the problem seems eliminated.  The diff
(for v1.10.8, using diff -un) is here:

-----[begin of diff]-----
--- cvsnt.orig.mak Fri Aug 11 09:12:15 2000
+++ cvsnt.mak Fri Aug 11 09:12:14 2000
@@ -2045,6 +2045,7 @@

 "$(INTDIR)\rcscmds.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_RCSCM) "$(INTDIR)"
    $(CPP) /nologo /ML /W3 /GX /Ob1 /I "windows-NT" /I "lib" /I "src" /I
+ /I "diff"\
  /Fp"$(INTDIR)/cvsnt.pch" /YX /Fo"$(INTDIR)/" /c $(SOURCE)

-----[end of diff]-----

I've got v1.10 and v1.10.8 and they have the same problem.

Chen, Wei-Hon (plasma)

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