I'm a little shaky on some of this so please forgive me if I misspeak ...

Branch tags and revision tags were both built using the RCS tag facility.
I submit that it is not useful for CVS users to be aware that both kinds of
tags are implemented from the same lower-level construct (other than the
necessity to avoid revision tag names that have a magical appearance).
This is especially true now that CVS has unhooked itself from RCS.

How painful (tedious changes and backwards-incompatible) would it be for
the CVS command processor, and hence the user, to pretend that branch tags
and revision tags were fundamentally different things?  I'm not suggesting
changing the "back-end" implementation of the tags.

-Don Bockenfeld

                    drc.com              To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen Cameron) 
                    (Larry Jones)        cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]     
                    Sent by:             Subject:     Re: Preventing mistakenly 
                    bug-cvs-admin        branch tags                                   
                    03:14 PM                                                           

Stephen Cameron writes:
> Since you're the only one that's giving a strong opinion, and your
> seems to be that you don't like it, well, ok.  I know when I'm beat.

Actually, Derek indicated fairly strong support for the idea, and I like
it as well.  Branch tags are enough different from revision tags that I
think it makes good sense to treat them specially for all operations,
not just creation.

-Larry Jones

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