Title: Are binaries compiled with pserver support ???


How do I know whether the binaries available for download from www.cvshome.org are compiled with with pserver support?

Why this stupid question? Because on our Sun machine we have already a cvs but without this support. When I try to do cvs-login from my PC it tells me:

-------------- vvvvvvvv

$ echo $CVSROOT


$ cvs login

(Logging in to sberka@yurtle)

CVS password:

cvs.exe [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from yurtle: cvs pserver: No

CVSROOT specified! Please use the `-d' option

------------- ^^^^^^^^

or when I try to telnet host 2401 it replies:

------------ vvvvvvvvvvvvv

$ telnet yurtle 2401


Connected to yurtle.poptal.com.

Escape character is '^]'.

cvs pserver: No CVSROOT specified! Please use the `-d' option

cvs [pserver aborted]: or set the CVSROOT environment variable.

Connection closed by foreign host.

------------- ^^^^^^^^^

and I was told this means that the cvs I'm trying to use is compiled w/o pserver support.

I appreciate someone to help with this. CVS is really good but we need all to be able to connect to it. Rsh has all these problems with DHCP.

Stan Berka

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