Derek Price wrote:
>Praveen K V wrote:
>> There is a small typo in CVS mannual section "2.9.2 Connecting with
>> rsh". The command at end of section given is,
>> "cvs -d :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/local/cvsroot checkout foo". It
>> should actually be,
>> "cvs -d :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/cvsroot checkout foo".
>> There is a missing ":" between and /usr/local/cvsroot.
>> The format of command is wrong in its existing form.
>> I saw the mannual in URL,
>Actually, that is a valid server spec using cvs 1.11.1p1, which is the
>version of the manual which is posted on the web site.  You might want to
>consider upgrading since that versoin has many bug fixes and improved
>error reporting.  Alternatively, you might try building and using the
>version of the manual distributed in the doc directory of your CVS

Has any thought of using "standard" URL type CVSROOT.  For ext access, you 
would have:

        cvse:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/local/cvsroot
For pserver:

        cvsp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/local/cvsroot
For local:

Stephen Rasku                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer        Web:
TGI Technologies

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