There is a bug when attempting to use either "cvs watch on" or
"cvs watch off" (and probably others) when using the pserver
cvs server. Here are the details of what's causing this problem.
All of the guilty files are in the "src" subdirectory.

If you look in edit.c for the client command that sends the watch
requests to the server, it sends the server the "watch-on" (edit.c:94)
string when the client receives a "watch on" command. Then in 
server.c this causes a call to serve_watch_on() which in turn calls
do_cvs_command("watch_on", watch_on) (server.c:3715). In
do_cvs_command() a call is made to check_command_legal_p()
with the parameter "watch_on" (server.c:2657). This will promptly
bomb out since "watch_on" isn't a valid external command.

Personally, I've fixed my local copy by doing away with the "if" block
starting at server.c:2657 and ending at server.c:2666, as it seems
redundant since the client has already verified that the command is
a legal command. The comment above this block seems to indicate
that the server used to get a "server" command. Perhaps that
changed and nobody noticed it's effect on the pserver?

Gary Hennigan

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