Paul Jarc writes:
> I would be nice if this were considered nonfatal:
> ERROR: cannot test remote CVS, because `rsh' fails.
> If some external dependency is not satisfied, I'd like to be able to
> run just whatever tests are possible, and have exit 0 if
> those succeed.  No part of CVS is known to have failed here.

"make check" runs twice: once in local mode, and once in
client/server mode.  If rsh doesn't work, then essentially all of the
tests fail (in client/server mode), and indicates that with
its exit status.  If you don't want to run the tests in client/server
mode, use "make localcheck" instead (likewise, you can run just the
client/server mode tests by using "make remotecheck").

-Larry Jones

In a minute, you and I are going to settle this out of doors. -- Calvin

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