Pavel Roskin writes:
> I run "cvs server" from the command line (I tried Linux console and rxvt - 
> same result), then I press Ctrl-C and Ctrl-D.
> This message is printed continuously:
> cvs: buffer.c:1384: stdio_buffer_shutdown: Assertion `fstat ( fileno 
> (bc->fp), &s ) != -1' failed.
> I can only kill cvs by the "KILL" signal.

That's been reported before -- it's a bug in the cleanup code that
results in an infinite loop (the assertion failure in the cleanup code
results in the cleanup code being called again ad infinitum).

> I cannot reproduce this bug over ssh (OpenSSH_3.4p1) - cvs terminates on
> Ctrl-C.  However, I cannot exclude the possibility that this bug can be
> exploited to execute random commands on a server that only allows the user
> to execute "cvs server".

It's a simple infinite loop, not a buffer overflow or anything else

-Larry Jones

I obey the letter of the law, if not the spirit. -- Calvin

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