My aim is to make debugging easier in large heterogeneous environments where the admin (debugger) only controls the CVS server. This wouldn't be very useful if the client users had to turn on the string themselves.

Anyone who really objects could turn it off. Clients could be written (or hacked) easily enough to lie too - this wouldn't be security - it would just be there to try and spot trends while debugging though I suppose it could be used to spot usage demographics like with HTTPD logs.




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ATD Hubbard, John wrote:

The idea of allowing the client to turn off the data is delightful. Everyone gets what they need. Seems hard to imagine that anyone could complain, especially if the client option default is NOT to send the data.

john h
John F. Hubbard
(408) 297-8217 (Home)
(408) 919-1620 (Work)

-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Robert Price [mailto:derek@;]

Would anyone object strenuously to a hook in the client/server protocol
to send client information such as host platform, client name, client
version, and a few other facts that might make debugging intermittant
client/server problems easier?

How about if there was a client option to turn off the data?


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