Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:

It would also be very helpful if more information was available to
scripts run via commitinfo, such as previous/new revision numbers, the
branch being affected, etc. The branch information would be
especially helpful since it can reasonably play a part in
authorization checks for commits, which is part of the stated
intention of commitinfo scripts.

This has been under discussion for a long time, and though this is asked for frequently, no one seems to be willing to help test even though I've already written a patch. You can find more information, including the patch, here:


Unfortunately, the patch was written to apply to 1.11, so it might take a little tweaking to make it work with 1.11.2. Like I said, I've been trying to get help on this for awhile. The patch seems to work well, but it was a pretty major overhaul and I don't want ot commit it to the main tree until it gets tested on a few more systems. The second patch attached to issue #60 is the same one with some extra code to make more information available to the taginfo hook. The method should be extensible to expanding the information available to other hooks.

If you are really interested, there's a link in the issue above to:


That issue discusses an even more complete overhaul and contains some patches on the way to that end, but they require more work than issue #60.




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