Hi Derek,

I ran tests on Windows 2000 and here's what I've learned so far:

* User accounts have two flavors:  "Local" and "Domain"

* Both user account types support local or network user profiles
* Both user account types support "Home folder" options

* User profile type ("local" vs. "network") seems irrelevant to CVS because
  network profiles are copied to a local drive and USERPROFILE always points
  to the local copy located in the machine specific profile root directory.

* Home Folder options are "undefined", "local folder", "network folder" and
  these are visible to CVS as follows:

        Home Folder             Environment Variables

        undefined               %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% set to %USERPROFILE%
                                HOMESHARE does not exist

        local folder    %HOMEDRIVE% set to local folder drive, no path
                                %HOMEPATH% set to local folder path, no drive
                                HOMESHARE does not exist

        network folder  %HOMEDRIVE% set to network drive
                                %HOMEPATH% set to "\"
                                %HOMESHARE% set to network folder

* Network folder values look like: \\ServerName\ShareName\OptionalPath
Based on these observations, how do Windows and UNIX differ to CVS?
UNIX user profile (.profile,.bash_profile) files are always in $HOME.

UNIX user profile changes are effective AND committed when changed.
Windows user profile is always local and independent of Home Folder.

Windows Home Folder is synchronized with the user profile only when:

        Home Folder is undefined
        Home Folder local path == %USERPROFILE%

Windows user profile changes are effective when changed and committed
ONLY when user the logs off.
Best regards,

Conrad Pino

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