  I am running ddrescue 1.21 on parted magic 2016 in memory.  Source is an
intermittently unresponsive maxtor 200 GB HDD, Target is a 200GB partition
on a USB external HDD.  Attempted to interrupt several times with Ctrl+C
and waited with no avail.  Got desperate and/or radical and closed\killed
the terminal window.
Now the target partition is black in gparted, still mounted but
'unreadable' by gparted.  How can I prevent this in the future and is there
anyway to recover what was written to that partition?  I have found that
ddrescue gets "tired" after communicating with this drive (probable
firmware bug) and therefore I've been attempting to image it in smaller
sections to avert that issue.  Later will assemble like a fernico device.
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