Hi Vincenzo,

If you recover a disk image to a formatted partition, it is better to
recover to a ext4 partition. Several people including me have experienced
decreasing speed with a NTFS partition. It became so slow that the recovery
could not complete. The disk image will inherits the partitioning of the
corrupted hard disk. Testdisk can work directly with such disk image. If
you want to mount the partitions, you will need a tool such as kpartx.

If you recover to a new unformatted disk, make sure the disk is blank or
use ddrescue fill mode. If you don't, the former data on the new disk will
be kept where there are bad sectors.

Best regards,


2016-11-03 22:07 GMT+02:00 ingegneriafore...@alice.it <

> Hi,
> Please, I write to pose a question about damaged hard disk.
> SCENARIO:I'm trying to clone a damaged hard disk with ddrescue (Diaz
> version) to another new one, so to recovery lost partitions with
> Testdisk.ddrescue has just detect more than 800 bad sector (it is very
> expensive in time).
> MY QUESTION:I have formatted NTFS the new hard disk before launching the
> cloning operation. Is this wrong ? Maybe is it better that the new hard
> disk is not formatted before the cloning ? That is: cloning with
> gnu_ddrescue the new hard disk inherits the partitioning of the corrupted
> hard disk ?
> I hope to hear you soon.
> Thanks in advance for your time.
> Vincenzo.
> Forensic Consultant
> Tribunale di Lecce
> Studio: Strada di Garibaldi - Contrada Paradisi
> 73010 Lequile (LE)
> cell: 339.7968555
> skype: vincenzo.di_salvo
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