Joe Kickman wrote:
2. Is it possible to differentiate read errors and add an option to
wait for the source drive to become ready again? For example, copying
160 Gb from a badly damaged seagate drive often caused freezes. It
helped to power cycle the drive and resume copying from a little bit
further position [+ or -]6000 LBA. So, an option to
--wait-ready<seconds_until_exit>  or so together with -K<skip-size>
would be very helpful:

Ddrescue can't differentiate read errors from a "drive not ready" condition, nor can it know if the drive has become ready again unless it returns data, but it can wait after each read error with --pause-on-error:

     Time to wait after each read error or slow read. Defaults to 0.
     INTERVAL is formatted as in the option '--timeout' above. If
     INTERVAL begins with 's', the pause is simulated; the time
     displayed is increased by INTERVAL but without performing any
     pause. Pause simulation can be useful in combination with
     '--test-mode' for testing purposes.

3. How the -K option works? Either it often misunderstood my input
such as -K102400s or -K2000000s and set skip size not as I expected -
or I have forgotten that used -b4096 instead of default -b512 ?? What
is the right syntax for it, which units does it accept?

'-K [initial][,max]'

Maybe the problem is that you are setting only the initial skip size, which ddrescue doubles after each read error. If you want ddrescue to skip an exact amount after each read error, give the same value for initial and max:

  ddrescue -K102400s,102400s

Best regards,

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