Joe Kickman wrote:
Is it possible to modify the 'configure' file to always compile
with device names shown?

Yes. Replace line 11 of configure from

Also, '-d' option on my system does not cause errors now!
Does it do the same, as 'hdparm --direct  /dev/sda' ?

Yes, it opens the input file with the O_DIRECT flag.

When being run with --cpass=0 (skip copying non-tried areas, just do
trimming and scraping) - remaining time includes non-tried blocks.

This is expected behavior. "remaining time" is not the time remaining to end the current run, but to rescue all the data in the rescue domain.

The 'remaining time' is calculated using the average rate of the last 30 seconds and does not take into account that some parts may be excluded from the rescue (for example with '--no-trim'), or that some areas may be unrecoverable. Therefore it may be very imprecise, may vary widely during the rescue, and may show a non-zero value at the end of the rescue.


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