I have a system with two Samsung 850 Pro ssd's . On each there are
functioning Windows 10 and Linux Debian 8  'Jessie'  operating systems on
separate partitions.

 I routinely back up the data on one ssd to the other using the ddrescue
function on systemrescuecd-x86-4.7.0

This fails of course if  Windows 10 on the receiving ssd happens to be in
hibernation mode for some reason or other

But ddrescue does not return any error message in this situation !!

 After a few minutes It just stops executing and hangs the computer The
elapsed time varies from one try to another.

(You might like to look at the very lucid error message which is returned
in this situation if in Linux  you try to mount the Windows 10 partition.)

Oliver H LeBlanc
530-758-1620 (home)
530-219-3762 (cell)
Bug-ddrescue mailing list

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