Thanks Antonio.

In the meantime, my one-liner was wrong, this is at least an improvement
(though I haven't really tested it thoroughly still).

cat log | perl -ne 'if (!/^#/) { @fields=split(); $fields[0] =
hex($fields[0]) + 26844594176; print(join(" ", @fields),"\n");  } else {
print $_; }'

On 30 June 2017 at 00:49, Antonio Diaz Diaz <> wrote:

> Thanks for your answers, Scott and Ketil. :-)
> Scott Dwyer wrote:
>> Merging the logs is more complicated. The original log from the whole
>> disk is okay, but the log from the partition copy must be altered (make
>> sure to work with a copy of this log and not the original). The best way
>> to do this is with a spreadsheet program.
> I'll implement ASAP (probably tomorrow) a --shift option for ddrescuelog
> that I hope will greatly simplify this part of the rescue.
> Best regards,
> Antonio.
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