Version 1.6-rc5 of GNU ed is ready for testing here

The md5sums are:
af7f265ee30259605a35f358db2a8888  ed-1.6-rc5.tar.gz
75078ce285bdabac3c4847c441cc1c6e  ed-1.6-rc5.tar.lz

Please, test it and report any bugs you find.

GNU ed is an 8-bit clean, more or less POSIX-compliant implementation of the standard Unix line editor.

The homepage is at

This version is also available in lzip format. If your distro doesn't yet distribute the lzip program, you can download it from

Changes in this version:

  * Ed now flushes stdout/stderr before reading a new command.

* Man page is now generated with "help2man". All command-line options are now documented in the man page.

  * Fixed a portability problem on Linux SPARC.

* Restored copyright notices of Andrew L. Moore. It seems Andrew granted some permissions but never assigned copyright to the FSF.

Antonio Diaz, GNU ed maintainer.

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