On 2015-01-19 13:59, Antonio Diaz Diaz wrote:
> Tim Chase wrote:
> > The original Unix ed(1) supported a "^" address which was a
> > synonym for "-".
> I see in the POSIX documentation for ed[1] that '^' is one of those 
> historical things that is currently neither required nor forbidden.
> [1] http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009604499/utilities/ed.html
> I think nobody ever asked for it, so I guess nobody is using it.
> I would prefer to leave such obscure old synonym out of ed, but
> feedback is welcome.

I just happened to notice the lack of "^" while reading through that
Brian Kernighan tutorial PDF I linked to, figuring that the minimally
invasive patch would keep GNU ed(1) historically accurate.

That said, I acknowledge it's an obscure & non-required corner and I
don't really have any investment in "^" beyond ensuring that those
historical documents continue working.


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