Antonio Diaz Diaz wrote:
> Changes in this version:
> * The "z" command has been fixed. ("zN" printed N + 1 lines). This bug was 
> present since at least ed-0.2.

This bug exists in the *BSD ed’s as well, unfortunately.

Though documented otherwise in the ed man page (ed.1), the intent of the 
command `zN’ is to set the window size to N, which is persistent (unlike with 
ex(vim)).  If the command prompt is counted as one line, then it should really 
display only N - 1 lines from the buffer.  In your current implementation 
(1.11rc1), on an N line display, only N - 2 lines of the buffer are displayed - 
the top line being the previous command.  To verify this:

$ ed
r !seq 100
!           <<<<  Per POSIX, bang should be printed on return from shell 

On the other hand, you’re in good company: ex(vim) exhibits this (mis)behavior 
too.  And since the
command `z' is explicitly omitted from SUSv4, you pretty much have a free hand 
to define the behavior as you wish.  Then again, ex(vim) properly documents the 
command `zN' as setting the window height, indicating that the current behavior 
in ex(vim) is probably a bug...

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