Hello Thomas,

Thomas Cort wrote:
At the bottom of the project page[1] there is a link "Valid HTML 4.01
Strict"[2]. It passes uri=referer to the validation service, but gnu.org
forces HTTPS and browsers generally do not set the Referer header when
leaving an HTTPS site, so the link almost never works unless you're on an
older or insecure browser.

Thanks for reporting this.

It works for me[1], and uri=referer is the way recommended by the W3C in the link below.

[1] http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gnu.org%2Fsoftware%2Fed%2Fed.html;accept=text%2Fhtml%2Capplication%2Fxhtml%2Bxml%2Capplication%2Fxml%3Bq%3D0.9%2C%2A%2F%2A%3Bq%3D0.8;accept-language=en-us%2Cen%3Bq%3D0.5;accept-charset=ISO-8859-15%2Cutf-8%3Bq%3D0.7%2C%2A%3Bq%3D0.7

Moreover, in the W3C error page for "No Referer header found!" it states that "This is not an error in the referring page!".

I'm not sure if I like this https thing, and I do not feel like hardcoding the url, so I'll probably remove the "Valid HTML" link.

Best regards,

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