The long error is ‘Missing Pattern Delimiter’.  Which I get, but I don’t see 
this as an improvement, because what I want to do by issuing the command 
`s/xyz` is a given.  Plus there is issue of backwards compatibility of ed 
scripts which could now be broken by this change as well as an unnecessary 
deviation from the common behavior of BSD ed and previous versions of GNU ed.

> On Oct 8, 2017, at 10:31 PM, Steven R Terpe <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Antonio,
> So in ed 1.13 and earlier you could do something like this:
> Assume the editor buffer looks like:
> 1 foo bar baz
> * 1s/ bar[ENTER]
> # And this would do the replacement resulting in 1 foo baz
> Now however in ed 1.14.2
> * 1s/ bar[ENTER] 
> # Returns an error
> ?
> # So we have to do
> * 1s/bar/[ENTER]
> Is this an intentional change or a bug?  It was really convenient before, now 
> this almost seems like a pain.  And the thing is that BSD’s version of ed 
> still supports this shortened form `s/xyz`.  So I feel like that should be 
> the expected behavior for GNU ed as well (as it used to be).  It’s hard to 
> see this as an improvement.

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